Yet another preview clip released for Sonic Prime
Spoiler alert!Spoiler alert!
13.12.2022, 217 просмотров.
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Hunting for the right oufitHappy New Year (and news on GoNintendo's imminent return!)
Happy new year, my friends! I hope your 2021 had some bright spots, and that 2022 brings you all sorts of wonderful things. If you were hoping for GoNintendo’s return to be a part of the new year, you’re in luck! Our revamp is closer than ever to wrapping up, and I’m here to tease what’s in the very near future.
While we might have a more specific timeframe in mind internally, I feel safe sharing that GoNintendo should be returning to action sometime in Q1 of 2022! Yes, that means that we should be up-and-running sometime before March of 2022 ends. It’s obviously been a long road for everyone involved, but there’s very much a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s becoming considerably brighter every single day.
An absolutely enormous, monumental, gargantuan thank-you is in order for both T27Duck and Cortjezter. It’s a simple fact that GoNintendo returning to action would not be possible without the two of them. They are 100% the reasons why our revamp is happening, and the people behind building everything out. The work these two have done in a short period of time is truly astounding. The magic they work and the feats they pull off boggle my mind every single time we meet to figure out the path ahead. They’ve done so much so far, and have more to handle before launch, but I already have less than zero doubt they’ve given us the best version of GoNintendo yet.
I cannot wait to get back into the swing of things with work, and I’m chomping at the bit to put GoNintendo’s revamp through its paces. I’ll also be bringing some of you with me, as I’m looking to grab some of you for news/features positions as well! Yes, we’ll be looking to bring in new staffers before the relaunch, and I’m hoping some of you will be interested! I’ll have more on that in the very near future, so keep a lookout for those details super soon.
For now, I just wanted to pop in on day one of the new year with the good news, and I also wanted to wish you all a wonderful 2022. Everyone faced some major struggles last year, and we all deserve a better year this time around. I hope 2022 brings you everything you need/want/wish for in abundance. Let’s make this the best year possible!
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